Happy Birthday, Dear ! Another year has gone by! There are so many things that I wish I could give you this year, and you would deserve all of them. So to my best friend on her birthday, here's a reminder of how amazing you are.
Saying that you're special is an understatement. I hope that you know this, and not just know it, but really believe it. We've been through so much, so I can honestly say what makes you stand out as the amazing friend that you are. I'm one of the few lucky ones that get to know every single shade of you.
You are super HAWT. We all have our insecurities, but honestly, yours are unfounded. You rock the best styles and know how to carry yourself like no other. I'm gonna get super cheesy on this next part but only because all special days need a Special moment, you're a positive light in the world, and anyone who knows you is lucky to have you in their life.
You are over the top hilarious. You can one-up my bad jokes with some actual good jokes. You always know a fun way to turn something bad into a slightly better situation. You know when to be funny when to be silly, and most importantly when to suddenly turn into a sarcastic bitch simply because...
You have wits. You literally know how to navigate nearly any situation.
You're wonderfully imperfect. Any possible area that you lack only makes you more wonderfully relatable and gives you that edge that makes people want to gravitate towards you.
As we've grown closer over time, you have become my go-to for nearly any situation. I know that you will always have a wise thing to say, a great recommendation, and a different perception to whatever situation I'm struggling with. You're my person.
You truly are one of the sweetest people I've met - if not the sweetest. You have a way of making sarcasm sweet, which I didn't even know was possible. Being selfless comes so natural to you and I really love you for that.
I love you for all that you are, for all of our memories, all of the fun times, all of the times we've supported each other, all of the times we've grown. We've really become a part of each other's journey.
You're more than a friend, you're a sister. I love you like a sister and all that comes with that. Family sticks together, and the best friends one can have. Thank you for being my best friend.
Happy Birthday bestie! I wish all of the best for you, for us, in this upcoming year!
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